Is your business having real impact on your customers? I mean impact where your community will not be the same after coming in contact with you?  Isn’t that the real underlying desire we all have? To be change agents for those around us? Is your business in business for money, do you do what you do for money alone? Or is there something that we so easily forget about our daily routine?

The Why

We must recognize why we do what we do whether it is in businesses or otherwise. I believe God designed us to be like Him. So like God we have a need to be creative and make things better. Problem solving is creative, marketing is creative, building houses is creative, there is creativity in finding easier ways of driving a garbage truck. So no matter what occupation you are in there is a creative outlet in it. The same with finding solutions to your customers problems, customer relations can be an extremely creative outlet for you to reflect God. I can hear you asking “What does this have to do with my why?” Good question! My opening question was: how are you having an impact on those around you? I believe that part of your why is to directly or indirectly improve people’s lives. Jim Whitt says your purpose needs to be Positive, Powerful, Simple and Serving. If you’re not impacting those around you, you probably need to think about your Positive, Powerful, Simple and Serving; your WHY.

The What

The what is simply how you are affecting people. When we shift our thinking to focus on what we can actually do for our customer and stop watching our back we will see huge shifts in our customer relationships. Our focus becomes helping the customer be the Hero in their.

Did you know that if you relieve someone’s stress, discomfort, solve their problem the real payback is relationship? You may be thinking “If it didn’t relate to money, so what!” I would actually argue that the relationship gained is worth more than any money earned. Why is that? Because when we are creating solutions and products that develop relationship, all the good things follow. Try it. Why did the Beatles sing “Can’t buy me Love”? When your customers love you because of how you impacted their lives through actually helping them, your success will be far beyond money. You will start changing your circle of influence, community, city, etc.

So Go and Wallow No More

Ok so here is how you and your business will start having real lasting impact on those around you.

  1. Act on your WHY.
  2. Recognize the value of relationships.
  3. Start doing things that are motivated with your customers success in mind.
Do these things and you will see a drastic change in your impact.